Monday 28 November 2011

St Mary's Sutton Prayers Services and Events w/c 27/11/11

Monday 28th November
Pray for the Church, that she may be ready for the coming of Christ; for the Diocese of West Buganda (Uganda); for St Michael and All Angels, Bramcote; Bramcote Primary School; for Keats Avenue.

Tuesday 29th November - Day of Intercession and Thanksgiving for the Missionary work of the Church.
6.15-7.30pm - Bell-ringing Practice.
Pray for the leaders of the Church; for the Diocese of West Malaysia (South East Asia); for St John the Evangelist, Carrington; for Ashland Road West.

Wednesday 30th November - Andrew the Apostle
7.00pm Parish Office (Maureen and Sam Peat)
Pray for the nations, that they may be subject to the rule of God; for the Diocese of West Missouri (Province VII, USA); for Christ Church, Chilwell; St Barnabas, Inham Nook; for Ashland Close.

Thursday 1st December - Charles de Foucauld, Hermit, 1916
9.30am Holy Eucharist (said)
6.30pm Choir Club
7.15pm Evensong (all welcome to attend) followed by Choir Practice
8.00pm Adult Emmaus Course in the Magdalene Centre Lounge
Pray for those who are working for justice in the world; for the Diocese of West Tennessee (Province IV, USA); World AIDS Day - pray for greater wareness of HIV and AIDS; for Chaplain for People with a Learing Disability (Mark Cantrill); for Norwood Close.

Friday 2nd December
6.00pm Cleaning Group 4: John and Sue Simpson; Anne and Ken Hensby; John Watson; Dominique Alexander
Pray for the broken, that they may find God's Healing; for the Diocese of West Texas (Province VII, USA); for St Stephen, Hyson Green with St Paul, Forest Fields; for Siddalls Drive.

Saturday 3rd December - Francis Xavier, Missionary, 1552
Pray for peace; individuals and their needs; for the Diocese of Western Izon (Province of Bendel, Nigeria); for St Barnabas, Lenton Abbey; for Parkway.

Sunday 4th December - 2nd of Advent
Readings: Isaiah 40.1-11,  Mark 1.1-18
8.00am Holy Eucharist (said)
10.00am Sung Eucharist & Thanksgiving
10.30am Morning Worship at St Luke's, Willetts Court, Leamington Estate
4.00pm & 5.30pm Christmas Memorial Services.      

Tuesday 15 November 2011

St Mary Magdalene Church Notices w/c 13.11.11

A Warm Welcome if you are new or visiting; please have a chat with Revd Amanda, one of the readers or the churchwardens - we don't want to miss you!  Thank you.

Fair Trade Stall - Neille would like some help to cover the fair trade stall when he is not going to be available.  This would entail setting up and putting away, as well as selling the goods.  If you are able to help, please see Neille or ring him on 01623 475597.

Operation Christmas Child - This Sunday is the last Sunday for bringing in boxes.  A very big thank you to everyone for your help, in donating money, covering and filling boxes and helping to put together the extra boxes a week last Wednesday.  An extra 15 boxes were assembled from goods donated by Asda and supplied also by Revd Amanda and me.  Some goods, which we were short of, were bought from the £70 that I have received in donations.  This still leaves £50 which will pay for the 15 boxes, plus 5 extra boxes, to be sent abroad.  Many, many thanks for all your efforts.  I will let you know the total number of boxes taken to Mansfield and, if possible, where they are being sent.  Margaret Williamson.

Coffee Morning - with a Christmas theme in aid of The Children's Society, on Saturday 19th November 2011 in the Mgadalene Centre, from 10.00am until 2.00pm  Light lunches available from 12.00 noon, usual stalls, etc.  £1.50, including coffee/tea and hot mince pies.

Healing Service - This will take place next Sunday 20th November, at 6.00pm, at St Mary's Church.

Advent 2011 - The Mission and Teaching Sub Group is considering 2 options for our Advent Preparation this year.  Option 1:- Advent Bible Study in House Groups.  Option 2:- Evening Eucharist with Advent reflection to be held each Monday during Advent at 7.00pm.  If you would be interested in attending one of these options, would you please add your name and telephone number and indicate your preference on the list at the back of Church.

St Modwen's Ladies' Guild - invite you to a fashion show, presented by "Dolly Birds Clothing and Acessories" (designer wear at bargain prices) in the Magdalene Centre on Wednesday 23rd November at 7.30pm.  Tickets £2, including refreshments, obtainable from Margaret Clarke and other Guild members.

Advent Sunday Services (27th November) - We will be welcoming Bishop Paul to our 10.00am service on this day, when he will be preaching the sermon.  We will also be holding an Advent Carol Service at 6.00pm.  We value your support and encourage everyone to attend this service, which marks the beginning of our Advent preparations.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Poinsettias and Memory Star Tree - We will again be using poinsettias and memory stars to decorate the Church for Christmas.  If you would like a poinsettia to be placed in memory of a loved one and a star on the memory tree, please take an envelope from the back of Church and return it with £5 and the star by 1st December.  We will place the poinsettias around the Church on Friday 9th December from 10.00am.  The stars will be put on a memory tree during the memorial services on 4th December.

Christian Aid:- Are you lost for ideas for Christmas presents?  If so, see the poster of gifts that you can purchase from Christian Aid.  If you need further details, please see Sheila Oscroft.

Thank You:- Our sincere thanks to everyone for their prayers, cards and kind wishes during the illness and subsequent death of my Mum at the age of 98.  Ken and Anne Hensby.

Christingle:- Service to be held on Sunday, 11th December, 4.00pm.  Collecting Candles and Gift Aid envelopes are now available.

Men's Group:- Thursday 24th November, 7.30 for 8.00pm - Skittles and Pie and Peas Evening at The Staff of Life.  Names on list at back of Church please.

Mothers' Union:- Tuesday 29th November, 3.00pm - Advent Service and Meal.

A Date for your Diary:- Revd Amanda and Paul will be holding a Christmas Party at their home, 10 Huthwaite Road, on Friday 16th December, 7.00pm to midnight.  All welcome.

Bell-Ringers Calendars £5:- orders now being taken.  Speak to any of the ringers.

Church Diaries for 2012:- These are now available from Sue Simpson, for a donation of £1.  Please help our Church Funds by purchasing one of these diaries.  Many Thanks.

Church Office:- Monday & Friday 9.00-11.00am, Thursday 9.00am-2.00pm 
Telephone 01623 553579.
Curate: Revd Amanda Digman 01623 433928
Registered Charity Number: 1134798

Monday 14 November 2011

St Mary Magdalene Parish Church, Sutton in Ashfield: Week Commencing Sunday 13th November 2011, Remembrance Sunday.

Sunday 13th November 2011, Remembrance Sunday.


8.30am  Holy Eucharist (short version)
10.00am Remembrance Service
10.45am Proceed to Cenotaph- Act of Remembrance
3.00pm Baptisms


Pray in the Church for: the Diocese of Uyo (Province of the Niger Delta, Nigeria); for the Diocese of Lulea (Sweden); for Huthwaite Methodist Church; for our worship and spirituality: on a Sunday; for mid-week services; for Bible study; for quiet days and for evangelism; for confirmation preparation.

Pray in the world for: all those affected by war; for all those affected by the earthquake in Turkey; for victims of the M5 crash in Somerset, and for their families.

Pray in the parish for those who live on: Sotheby Avenue; Laxton Avenue; Pepper Street; Young Crescent; pray for the residents and staff at Sutton Lodge Care Home.

Pray for those being baptised today: Grace Duffield; Logan Ellis.

Pray for those who receive Holy Communion at home: Arthur Gregory; Pam Marshall; June Dodsley; Rosemary Lee; Barbara Shepherd; Pame Clarke; Mary Bacon;Aggie Lyme; Joyce Davison; Sheila Hibbert.

Pray for healing: Barbara Shepherd; Renee Boot; John Hardy; Joyce Davison; Nigel Booth; Jessie Moore; Bony Mathew; Betty & Stewart Gascoigne; Susan Clark; Colin Parnell; Marlene Bailey; Mary Longbottom; Alan Pashley; Mary Gration; Catherine Sleigh; Trevor Moakes; David McCallum; Rita Philip & family; Dawn; Jackie; Linda Aderson; Margaret Hadley; Jean Warren; Elizabeth Kelsall; Gill Marriott.

Pray for the souls of the departed: Christopher Beardall; Betty Waring; Teresa Lucas; Iris Price; Kathleen Turner; David Green; Gilbert Wright.

Prayers, Services & Events in the coming week

Monday 14th November - Samuel Seabury, Bishop, 1796
1.30pm Noah's Ark Service for young families
Pray for those whose work is unfulfilling, stressful or fraught with danger; for the Diocese of Vanuatu (Melanesia); for St Martha the Housewife, Broxtowe; for Northfield Close.

Tuesday 15th November - 
6.15-7.30pm Bell-ringing Practice.
Pray for those who are bereaved; for the Diocese of Vellore (South India); for St John the Divine, Bulwell; for Langford Street.

 Wednesday 16th November - Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Reformer of the Church, 1093
1.30pm Cleaning Group 2: Marlene Poole; Geoff Ceney; Margaret Mellor; Muriel Tryner; Maureen Howells; Christine Barnes.
NO Parish Office
Pray for the work of aid agencies throughout the world; for the Diocese of Venezuela (Province IX, USA); for Christ Church, Cinderhill; for Cavendish Avenue.

Thursday 17th November - Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200
9.30am Holy Eucharist (said)
6.30pm Choir Club 
7.15pm Evensong (all welcome to attend) followed by Choir Practice
8.00pm Adult Emmaus Course in the Magdalene Centre Lounge
Pray for schools, colleges and universities; for the Diocese of Vermont (Province I, USA); for Chaplains amongst Deaf People (Susuan Bloomfield, Sue Hemsley Halls); for York Street.

Friday 18th November - Elizabeth of Hungary, 1231
Pray for all whose lives are devastated by war and civil strife; for the Diocese of Victoria Nyanza (Tanzania); for Holy Trinity, Kimberley; for Priestsic Road.

Saturday 19th November - Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680
Pray for those who have lost hope; for the Diocese of Virgin Islands (Province II, USA); for St Patrick, Nuthall; for Edwin Street.

Sunday 20th November - Christ The King
8.00am Holy Eucharist (said)
9.45am Mattins    
10.30am Parish Eucharist at St Luke's
11.15am All Age Worship
6.00pm Healing Service
Ezekiel 34.11-16, 20-24
Matthew 25.31-end


Bob's shared items